vrijdag 28 juni 2019

Short Treks with Spock and Number One UPDATED

Yay! Ethan Peck will return to his role as Lieutenant Spock in this Short Treks together with Rebecca Romijn as Number One. It is not sure if Anson Mount returns as our beloved Captain Pike, I sure hope so, he plays him wonderfully! It's rumoured to exits out of 6 shorts and will be called ''Chaos Theory''. It will set to stream on CBS All Access later this year. I am very curious and I'm still hoping on a Spin Off with these three awesome characters and actors!

Still no clue if there will be a spin off but Anson Mount is returning as Captain Pike in Short Treks as well. I'm happy to see him as Pike again and here is the Trailer:

Rebecca Romijn, Mark Pellington and Ethan Peck 

donderdag 20 juni 2019

Keanu Reeves in John Wick, Toy Story and more!

I've been a fan of him ever since I saw him in The Matrix, Speed and my favorite movie ever, Point Break. I can't remember in which movie I saw him first but I've always loved the way he acted and the characters he portrayed. So instead of talking about one role, I will talk about a few roles.

John Wick 3: Parabellum
Since 2014 we can see him as John Wick in several movies, three to be exact. John Wick 3 is still running in theaters so don't forget to buy a ticket and go see it, while you still can! I've not seen it yet but soon I'll go to the cinema myself!

These movies you've to see in the right order to understand why he came back and what is going on. In the first movie he lost his dear wife, who left him a cute little puppy but sadly it got killed by the son of a maffia boss. The son stole his car and beaten John up. What I find so awesome is that the dog mattered so much to this former serial killer that he decided to come back and revenge it. This man had a heart even as a serial killer which is something new for me too see in a movie.

In the second one we see John with a other dog who he took out of a dog shelter at the end of John Wick 1. After returning to the underworld to repay a debt, he discovers that there is a large bounty out on his head. Now he needs to look over his shoulders a little more and finding out who has put this bounty on his life and he of course does so. He at the end killed this person and got in a hell lot of trouble because he killed a member of the guild.

So now in John Wick 3, he is in it over his head! He is now on the run after killing a member of the international assassin's guild and with a 14 million price on his life, he is the target of every assassin everywhere. Now that is pretty much all I can say because I've not seen the movie yet. But as always a hell of lot of killings and shootings and action!

Toy Story 4 

This movie is out now in the cinemas go check it out! Keanu is the voice of  a toy that is riding a motorcycle and he's called Duke Caboom. He was picked out of dozens of others during a blind audition when they tested a bunch of voices. Reeves leaped into the kid's film from starring in John Wick, which is quite the deference.

Cyberpunk 2077 

Keanu Reeves will be in this game, which will be released next year in April 16, 2020. He'll play a character called Johnny Silverhand. As his name already says, he will have a silver hand, a whole arm to be correct. He looks pretty damn cool! It's an action, RPG kind of game. I've never played it but I'm considering plating it now!


Marvel has his eyes on Reeves for a little while now, lots of rumours are going on right now. Nothing has been conformed, so I can't say much about this matter but I do hope he does go into Marvel. Keanu is awesome and we would see even a lot more of him when they make a superhero or super villain out of him. I'm very curious about this and if I know more, I'll share it with you guys!

donderdag 6 juni 2019

Wonder Woman 2

I sure can't wait to see Wonder Woman 2. It will be here June 5, 2020 and I just saw the poster! It looks incredible and very colorful, Gal Gadot looks strong, beautiful in the gold uniform and ready to save mankind all over again. The poster is for Wonder Woman 19984 movie. There is not much to tell about it just yet but if I know more, I'll make this post longer and add the details to it. What I do know is that the following actors are in the movie with Gal Gadot in the leading role: Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Pedro Pascal, Kristen Wiig and Connie Nielsen are in the supporting roles. This is the fourth live-action film with Gal as Wonder Woman but it will be the second full-length feature film centered around the character.
