I've been posting a lot of Aquaman videos on the page Twitter account, which you might have noticed. I love that Jason Momoa is Aquaman! Everyone now knows him from Game Of Thrones but I know him as Ronon Dex from Stargate: Atlantis. I really loved the show, I still look back sometimes and watch it! He has grown so much since then and played in movies where he didn't had much to say in, which is because of the characters he plays. So now he has a whole movie about his character and a hell of a lot more words to say, haha! This is also one of the biggest things he has done so far and I am so happy for the man, Jason Momoa deserves this! He is such a good actor and now a lot more people will see that.
Jason Momoa is moving around the world with this Aquaman tour which you can follow on his Youtube channel, he made it a few weeks back so we can follow him around! He made 4 episodes so far. Jason has appeared on lot of shows lately, like Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, The Graham Norton Show, This Morning, Good Morning America and he always wanted to be on SNL and Jason got his wish! You can find all of this on Youtube.
Aquaman is out on December 21, I can't wait to finally see it!! Big congratulations to Jason Momoa on this two big events.